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Benefits of Rosemary for Your Skin & Health

Benefits of Rosemary for Your Skin & Health

Odds are, you’ve sprinkled a little rosemary into a dinner dish or two, but have you ever thought about the benefits it can provide to your body? Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary is very beneficial for both your skin and your overall health. If you need a little convincing, we’re sharing a few reasons why you should add this delicious herb to your regular routine. And the best part? You can grow it any time of year! (Just be sure to bring it indoors during the winter months.)


Rosemary & Your Skin

You probably know that many skincare products today contain antioxidants, but did you know that rosemary is actually packed with good-for-you antioxidants, too? If you did, you may be wondering what exactly the deal is with all of these antioxidants. Well, they actually provide major benefits for your skin. Antioxidants can help prevent skin damage by protecting you from the free radicals you encounter throughout the day. This is why it’s so popular for skincare products, ranging from moisturizers to serums and more. The good news is that rosemary can provide those very antioxidant benefits. By consuming rosemary regularly or using skincare products that contain rosemary, it can help prevent damage from the free radicals you encounter in the environment. Free radicals are harmful to our skin because it compromises its structure. When free radicals start causing damage, it can lead to premature aging by bringing on wrinkles and sagging skin. Rosemary also contains quite a few vitamins and minerals that help support healthy collagen levels, which also fights off signs of aging. The iron, calcium, and vitamin B6 within rosemary all help with this. Healthy collagen levels support skin elasticity, which will decrease any droopiness you may see on your face. So, if you’re looking to prevent skin aging or want to decrease the appearance of those fine lines, you just might want to look into rosemary! If you struggle with acne, rosemary can also provide you with some relief! Because rosemary has both anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties, it can help banish any pesky pimples you may have and keep your skin clear. For easiest application, look for products that are rich in rosemary essential oil.


Rosemary & Your Health

Rosemary won’t just provide you with beautiful skin! It can also help with brain function, stress reduction, and much more. According to the Journal of Neurochemistry and Nature Reviews Neuroscience, the active component in rosemary can help protect your brain from damage, such as the damage caused by strokes and degeneration due to toxins and free radicals. Pretty incredible, right? Studies have also shown that simply smelling rosemary can reduce your levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. So, this is a good one to have on hand if you’re ever feeling stressed out. It can also help relieve feelings of anxiety. A whiff of rosemary will return you to those calm, cool, and collected feelings in no time at all. Rosemary also provides many other health benefits as it can be used to treat muscle pain and arthritis, can aid in detoxifying the liver, and even give your immune system a boost. It can also help reduce inflammation in the body, stop hair loss, and even boost your memory. With all of those benefits, how could you not use it?


Using Rosemary

The great thing about rosemary is that this powerful herb can be used in many different ways. If you want to ingest rosemary, you can add a sprinkle of it to your next dinner dish or you can steep it as a tea for a tasty drink. There are even rosemary supplements you can take! You can also diffuse rosemary essential oil to fill your home with this stress-busting scent. No matter how you choose to use it, it’s sure to provide you with worthwhile benefits for your skin and your overall health.
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